Add a highlight notification

The JavaScript API allows you to set up subscriptions to receive events during various actions on ARender (e.g., adding/removing notifications, rotating a page, or clicking on a hyperlink). This information is accessible in the documentation

It is also possible to create highlight-type annotations directly from the host application, without doing so manually in ARender, using the addAnnotation function of the JavaScript API by following these guidelines .

To use this function from an application other than ARender, simply replace the window object in the documentation with the appropriate object based on the framework being used.

const iframeWindow = iframeRef.current.contentWindow

 * Add an highlight annotation 
 * @param {string} documentId - ID of the document
 * @param {string} type - the annotation type (only "Highlight" is supported)
 * @param {integer} x - the annotation x coordinate
 * @param {integer} y - the annotation y coordinate
 * @param {integer} w - the annotation width
 * @param {integer} h - the annotation height
 * @param {page} page - the annotation page
 * @param {string} color - the annotation color
 * @param {float} opacity - the annotation opacity

var documentId = iframeWindow.getARenderJS().getCurrentDocumentId();
var type = "Highlight";
var x = 50;
var y = 150;
var w = 100;
var h = 50;
var page = 0;
var color = "#FF0000";
var opacity = 0.4;

    documentId, type, x, y, w, h, page, color, opacity);

const iframeWindow = this.iframeRef.nativeElement.contentWindow;

 * Add an highlight annotation 
 * @param {string} documentId - ID of the document
 * @param {string} type - the annotation type (only "Highlight" is supported)
 * @param {integer} x - the annotation x coordinate
 * @param {integer} y - the annotation y coordinate
 * @param {integer} w - the annotation width
 * @param {integer} h - the annotation height
 * @param {page} page - the annotation page
 * @param {string} color - the annotation color
 * @param {float} opacity - the annotation opacity

var documentId = iframeWindow.getARenderJS().getCurrentDocumentId();
var type = "Highlight";
var x = 50;
var y = 150;
var w = 100;
var h = 50;
var page = 0;
var color = "#FF0000";
var opacity = 0.4;

    documentId, type, x, y, w, h, page, color, opacity);
 * Returns the ARenderJS object from the iframe.
 * Throws an error if the iframe is not accessible or not loaded.
function getARenderJS() {
  const iframeWindow = iframeRef.value?.contentWindow
    ? iframeRef.value.contentWindow
    : undefined

  if (iframeWindow) {
    return iframeWindow.getARenderJS()
  throw new Error("The iframe is not accessible or not loaded.")

 * Adds an annotation to the current document.
 * @param x The x coordinate of the annotation.
 * @param y The y coordinate of the annotation.
 * @param w The width of the annotation.
 * @param h The height of the annotation.
 * @param page The page number of the annotation.
 * @param color The color of the annotation.
 * @param opacity The opacity of the annotation.
 * @param type The type of the annotation.
function addAnnotation(x, y, w, h, page, color, opacity, type = "Highlight") {
  const documentId = getARenderJS().getCurrentDocumentId()
    .addAnnotation(documentId, type, x, y, w, h, page, color, opacity)

 * Expose the `addAnnotation` function to the parent component.
 * Returns the ARenderJS object from the iframe.
 * Throws an error if the iframe is not accessible or not loaded.
function getARenderJS() {
  const iframeWindow = iframeRef?.contentWindow
    ? iframeRef.contentWindow
    : undefined

  if (iframeWindow) {
    return iframeWindow.getARenderJS()
  throw new Error("The iframe is not accessible or not loaded.")

 * Adds an annotation to the current document.
 * @param x The x coordinate of the annotation.
 * @param y The y coordinate of the annotation.
 * @param w The width of the annotation.
 * @param h The height of the annotation.
 * @param page The page number of the annotation.
 * @param color The color of the annotation.
 * @param opacity The opacity of the annotation.
 * @param type The type of the annotation.
export function addAnnotation(
  type = "Highlight"
) {
  let documentId = getARenderJS().getCurrentDocumentId()
    .addAnnotation(documentId, type, x, y, w, h, page, color, opacity)
 * Add an highlight annotation 
 * @param {string} documentId - ID of the document
 * @param {string} type - the annotation type (only "Highlight" is supported)
 * @param {integer} x - the annotation x coordinate
 * @param {integer} y - the annotation y coordinate
 * @param {integer} w - the annotation width
 * @param {integer} h - the annotation height
 * @param {page} page - the annotation page
 * @param {string} color - the annotation color
 * @param {float} opacity - the annotation opacity

var documentId = iframeWindow.getARenderJS().getCurrentDocumentId();
var type = "Highlight";
var x = 50;
var y = 150;
var w = 100;
var h = 50;
var page = 0;
var color = "#FF0000";
var opacity = 0.4;

const iframe = document.getElementById('arender-iframe');
if (iframe && iframe.contentWindow) {
    documentId, type, x, y, w, h, page, color, opacity);
} else {
    console.error("The iframe is inaccessible or not loaded yet.");