Menu bar
Document menu
Description | Parameter Key | Default value | Type |
Activate the document sub-menu | topPanel.documentMenu | true | Boolean |
Upload a document from local disk | topPanel.documentMenu.upload | true | Boolean |
Upload a document from a remote URL | topPanel.documentMenu.url | true | Boolean |
Allow to use “enter” to validate the input URL from the URL button | | true | Boolean |
Upload XFDF annotations from local | topPanel.documentMenu.xfdfUpload | false | Boolean |
Download current document in PDF | topPanel.documentMenu.downloadPDF | true | Boolean |
Download current document in native format (only not PDF document) | | true | Boolean |
Download all visualized documents | topPanel.documentMenu.downloadAll | true | Boolean |
Download current document with its annotations | topPanel.documentMenu.downloadAnnotation | true | Boolean |
Download annotations in CSV format | topPanel.documentMenu.downloadCSVAnnotation | false | Boolean |
Download document with FDF annotations | topPanel.documentMenu.downloadWithFDFAnnotation | false | Boolean |
Download annotations in XFDF format | topPanel.documentMenu.downloadXFDFAnnotations | false | Boolean |
Activate the top panel download composite document button | | true | Boolean |
The default behavior for download : DOWNLOAD_SOURCE or DOWNLOAD_NON_PDF | | DOWNLOAD_NON_PDF | String |
Download all current documents as original format in a ZIP | topPanel.documentMenu.downloadAllSources | true | Boolean |
Download the current document as FDF | topPanel.documentMenu.downloadFDFAnnotations | false | Boolean |
Download the compared documents side by side with compare result on it | | true | Boolean |
Print menu
Description | Parameter Key | Default value | Type |
Display a dialog box allowing to choose the type of printing | topPanel.print | true | Boolean |
# Hide the print button
Annotation menu
Description | Parameter Key | Default value | Type |
Activate the annotation sub-menu | topPanel.annotationMenu | true | Boolean |
Create a sticky note | topPanel.annotationMenu.stikyNote | true | Boolean |
Create a rectangle | topPanel.annotationMenu.highlight | true | Boolean |
Create a circle | | true | Boolean |
Create an arrow | topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow | true | Boolean |
Create a measurement arrow | topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow.measure | true | Boolean |
Create a highlight text | topPanel.annotationMenu.highlightText | false | Boolean |
Create an underline text | topPanel.annotationMenu.underlineText | false | Boolean |
Create a strikeout text | topPanel.annotationMenu.strikethroughText | false | Boolean |
Create a polygon | topPanel.annotationMenu.polygon | true | Boolean |
Create a polyline | topPanel.annotationMenu.polyline | true | Boolean |
Create a freehand | topPanel.annotationMenu.freehand | true | Boolean |
Create a hyperlink | topPanel.annotationMenu.hyperlink | false | Boolean |
Create a stamp | topPanel.annotationMenu.stamp | true | Boolean |
Create an audio annotation | topPanel.annotationMenu.sound | false | Boolean |
Display/hide all annotations | topPanel.annotationMenu.hide | true | Boolean |
Display/hide annotations & rotations | topPanel.annotationMenu.hideAll | false | Boolean |
Create a freetext | topPanel.annotationMenu.freetext | true | Boolean |
Allow the sticky note to be edited | topPanel.annotationMenu.stickyNote.editable | true | Boolean |
Create a rectangle in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | topPanel.annotationMenu.highlight.repeat | false | Boolean |
Create an arrow in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow.repeat | false | Boolean |
Create a measurement arrow in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow.measure.repeat | false | Boolean |
Create a polygon in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | topPanel.annotationMenu.polygon.repeat | false | Boolean |
Create a polyline in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | topPanel.annotationMenu.polyline.repeat | false | Boolean |
Create a freehand in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | topPanel.annotationMenu.freehand.repeat | false | Boolean |
Create a highlight text in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | topPanel.annotationMenu.highlightText.repeat | false | Boolean |
Create an underline text in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | topPanel.annotationMenu.underlineText.repeat | false | Boolean |
Create a strikeout text in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | topPanel.annotationMenu.strikethroughText.repeat | false | Boolean |
Create a circle in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | | false | Boolean |
Create a hyperlink in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) | topPanel.annotationMenu.hyperlink.repeat | false | Boolean |
Description | Parameter Key | Default value | Type |
Go to first page | topPanel.pageNavigation.first | true | Boolean |
Go to previous page | topPanel.pageNavigation.previous | true | Boolean |
Go to next page | | true | Boolean |
Go to last page | topPanel.pageNavigation.last | true | Boolean |
Description | Parameter Key | Default value | Type |
Zoom in | | true | Boolean |
Zoom out | topPanel.zoom.out | true | Boolean |
Zoom on a selected zone | | true | Boolean |
Adjust the zoom to the window width | topPanel.zoom.fullWidth | true | Boolean |
Adjust the zoom to the window height | topPanel.zoom.fullHeight | true | Boolean |
Adjust the zoom to both the window width and height | topPanel.zoom.fullPage | true | Boolean |
Enable zone zoom in external window | topPanel.zoom.zoneGlass | false | Boolean |
Zone zoom multiplication | topPanel.zoom.zoneGlass.value | 2 | Integer |
Description | Parameter Key | Default value | Type |
Rotate current page to the right | topPanel.rotation.right | true | Boolean |
Rotate current page to the left | topPanel.rotation.left | true | Boolean |
Rotate all pages to the left and right | topPanel.rotation.all | false | Boolean |
Reset all rotations | topPanel.rotation.reset | false | Boolean |
Sets up the amount of rotation applied when pressing the rotation buttons | | 90 | Integer |
Activates rotations sub-menu | topPanel.rotation.add | true | Boolean |
Pages navigation
Description | Parameter Key | Default value | Type |
Go to first page navigation | topPanel.pageNavigation.first | true | Boolean |
Go to previous page navigation | topPanel.pageNavigation.previous | true | Boolean |
Go to next page navigation | | true | Boolean |
Go to last page navigation | topPanel.pageNavigation.last | true | Boolean |
Other features
Description | Parameter Key | Default value | Type |
Refresh annotations | topPanel.refresh | true | Boolean |
Full text search | | true | Boolean |
Default search behavior. Otherwise, open in the advanced search panel | | false | Boolean |
If true and is true, display search text results in the AdvancedSearchExplorer | | true | Boolean |
The “next result” search button will jump to the next result on the current visible page instead of resuming where you left the search | topPanel.searchByVisiblePage | true | Boolean |
Full screen mode | topPanel.fullscreen | true | Boolean |
Full screen mode will hide the top panel totally | topPanel.fullscreen.hideTopPanel | false | Boolean |
The toppanel will always be visible in full screen and won’t hide | topPanel.fullscreen.alwaysShowTopPanel | false | Boolean |
Boxed zoom | topPanel.zoomBox | true | Boolean |
Copy all text of the document | topPanel.document.text | false | Boolean |
Cropbox | topPanel.cropbox.enabled | false | Boolean |
Brightness slider | topPanel.imageProcessMenu.brightness.enabled | true | Boolean |
Contrast slider | topPanel.imageProcessMenu.contrast.enabled | false | Boolean |
Invert color slider | topPanel.imageProcessMenu.invert.enabled | false | Boolean |
Set how image processing is applied : CURRENT_PAGE, ALL_PAGES, ALL_DOCUMENTS | topPanel.imageProcessMenu.process.mode | ALL_DOCUMENTS | String |