Menu bar

Document menu

Description Parameter Key Default value Type
Activate the document sub-menu topPanel.documentMenu true Boolean
Upload a document from local disk topPanel.documentMenu.upload true Boolean
Upload a document from a remote URL topPanel.documentMenu.url true Boolean
Allow to use “enter” to validate the input URL from the URL button true Boolean
Upload XFDF annotations from local topPanel.documentMenu.xfdfUpload false Boolean
Download current document in PDF topPanel.documentMenu.downloadPDF true Boolean
Download current document in native format (only not PDF document) true Boolean
Download all visualized documents topPanel.documentMenu.downloadAll true Boolean
Download current document with its annotations topPanel.documentMenu.downloadAnnotation true Boolean
Download annotations in CSV format topPanel.documentMenu.downloadCSVAnnotation false Boolean
Download document with FDF annotations topPanel.documentMenu.downloadWithFDFAnnotation false Boolean
Download annotations in XFDF format topPanel.documentMenu.downloadXFDFAnnotations false Boolean
Activate the top panel download composite document button true Boolean
The default behavior for download : DOWNLOAD_SOURCE or DOWNLOAD_NON_PDF DOWNLOAD_NON_PDF String
Download all current documents as original format in a ZIP topPanel.documentMenu.downloadAllSources true Boolean
Download the current document as FDF topPanel.documentMenu.downloadFDFAnnotations false Boolean
Download the compared documents side by side with compare result on it true Boolean
Description Parameter Key Default value Type
Display a dialog box allowing to choose the type of printing topPanel.print true Boolean
# Hide the print button

Annotation menu

Description Parameter Key Default value Type
Activate the annotation sub-menu topPanel.annotationMenu true Boolean
Create a sticky note topPanel.annotationMenu.stikyNote true Boolean
Create a rectangle topPanel.annotationMenu.highlight true Boolean
Create a circle true Boolean
Create an arrow topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow true Boolean
Create a measurement arrow topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow.measure true Boolean
Create a highlight text topPanel.annotationMenu.highlightText false Boolean
Create an underline text topPanel.annotationMenu.underlineText false Boolean
Create a strikeout text topPanel.annotationMenu.strikethroughText false Boolean
Create a polygon topPanel.annotationMenu.polygon true Boolean
Create a polyline topPanel.annotationMenu.polyline true Boolean
Create a freehand topPanel.annotationMenu.freehand true Boolean
Create a hyperlink topPanel.annotationMenu.hyperlink false Boolean
Create a stamp topPanel.annotationMenu.stamp true Boolean
Create an audio annotation topPanel.annotationMenu.sound false Boolean
Display/hide all annotations topPanel.annotationMenu.hide true Boolean
Display/hide annotations & rotations topPanel.annotationMenu.hideAll false Boolean
Create a freetext topPanel.annotationMenu.freetext true Boolean
Allow the sticky note to be edited topPanel.annotationMenu.stickyNote.editable true Boolean
Create a rectangle in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) topPanel.annotationMenu.highlight.repeat false Boolean
Create an arrow in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow.repeat false Boolean
Create a measurement arrow in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) topPanel.annotationMenu.arrow.measure.repeat false Boolean
Create a polygon in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) topPanel.annotationMenu.polygon.repeat false Boolean
Create a polyline in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) topPanel.annotationMenu.polyline.repeat false Boolean
Create a freehand in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) topPanel.annotationMenu.freehand.repeat false Boolean
Create a highlight text in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) topPanel.annotationMenu.highlightText.repeat false Boolean
Create an underline text in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) topPanel.annotationMenu.underlineText.repeat false Boolean
Create a strikeout text in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) topPanel.annotationMenu.strikethroughText.repeat false Boolean
Create a circle in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) false Boolean
Create a hyperlink in repeat mode (does not cancel unless pressed again) topPanel.annotationMenu.hyperlink.repeat false Boolean
Description Parameter Key Default value Type
Go to first page topPanel.pageNavigation.first true Boolean
Go to previous page topPanel.pageNavigation.previous true Boolean
Go to next page true Boolean
Go to last page topPanel.pageNavigation.last true Boolean


Description Parameter Key Default value Type
Zoom in true Boolean
Zoom out topPanel.zoom.out true Boolean
Zoom on a selected zone true Boolean
Adjust the zoom to the window width topPanel.zoom.fullWidth true Boolean
Adjust the zoom to the window height topPanel.zoom.fullHeight true Boolean
Adjust the zoom to both the window width and height topPanel.zoom.fullPage true Boolean
Enable zone zoom in external window topPanel.zoom.zoneGlass false Boolean
Zone zoom multiplication topPanel.zoom.zoneGlass.value 2 Integer


Description Parameter Key Default value Type
Rotate current page to the right topPanel.rotation.right true Boolean
Rotate current page to the left topPanel.rotation.left true Boolean
Rotate all pages to the left and right topPanel.rotation.all false Boolean
Reset all rotations topPanel.rotation.reset false Boolean
Sets up the amount of rotation applied when pressing the rotation buttons 90 Integer
Activates rotations sub-menu topPanel.rotation.add true Boolean

Pages navigation

Description Parameter Key Default value Type
Go to first page navigation topPanel.pageNavigation.first true Boolean
Go to previous page navigation topPanel.pageNavigation.previous true Boolean
Go to next page navigation true Boolean
Go to last page navigation topPanel.pageNavigation.last true Boolean

Other features

Description Parameter Key Default value Type
Refresh annotations topPanel.refresh true Boolean
Full text search true Boolean
Default search behavior. Otherwise, open in the advanced search panel false Boolean
If true and is true, display search text results in the AdvancedSearchExplorer true Boolean
The “next result” search button will jump to the next result on the current visible page instead of resuming where you left the search topPanel.searchByVisiblePage true Boolean
Full screen mode topPanel.fullscreen true Boolean
Full screen mode will hide the top panel totally topPanel.fullscreen.hideTopPanel false Boolean
The toppanel will always be visible in full screen and won’t hide topPanel.fullscreen.alwaysShowTopPanel false Boolean
Boxed zoom topPanel.zoomBox true Boolean
Copy all text of the document topPanel.document.text false Boolean
Cropbox topPanel.cropbox.enabled false Boolean
Brightness slider topPanel.imageProcessMenu.brightness.enabled true Boolean
Contrast slider topPanel.imageProcessMenu.contrast.enabled false Boolean
Invert color slider topPanel.imageProcessMenu.invert.enabled false Boolean
Set how image processing is applied : CURRENT_PAGE, ALL_PAGES, ALL_DOCUMENTS topPanel.imageProcessMenu.process.mode ALL_DOCUMENTS String