

We assume that you are familiar with Kubernetes.

If not, find more information on https://kubernetes.io/docs/home/


$> helm repo add arondor https://artifactory.arondor.cloud/artifactory/ARenderHelmVirtual --username <your_user> --password <your_password>
$> helm install my-release arondor/arender


ARender is ready for Kubernetes and you can easily deploy the entire stack with our Helm Chart.

You can find out more about Helm technology here.

The Chart is composed of two subchart: rendition and web-ui. You can choose to use both or only one of these components by setting the following parameters:

Component Property Value
web-ui web-ui.enabled true or false
rendition rendition.enabled true or false


  • Access to Arondor Artifactory
  • Kubernetes 1.14+
  • Helm 3.0+
  • PV provisionner support in the underlying infrastructure
  • Kubernetes Metrics server installed (since ARender 4.3.0)

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release, run the following commands with your Artifactory credentials:

$> helm repo add arondor https://artifactory.arondor.cloud/artifactory/ARenderHelmVirtual --username <your_user> --password <your_password>
$> helm install my-release arondor/arender

You need to create a secret with your Arondor Artifactory credentials to be able to pull the default images.

Read the page “Pull an Image from a Private Registry” on the official Kubernetes documentation to create the secret. Then, add it to the list of imagePullSecrets names by setting global.imagePullSecrets parameter.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release release:

$> helm delete my-release


The configurable parameters are listed in the next pages.

Default values.yml file

Show all
Presentation server (Web UI)

Show all
Rendition server