
If upgrading from version 4.8 to version 2023.0, please refer to the detailed upgrade documentation here.

Installer Setup

We strongly recommend installing ARender using the all-in-one installer, as it includes all necessary third-party components in validated versions. This method ensures the most reliable setup experience. The only requirement is a valid JDK or JRE (see Requirement).

Retrieving the installer

Use the provided credentials (contact for access) to download the Rendition installation JAR:

Download the Rendition installer

Installation process

Run the following command to start the installation:

$> java -jar rendition-engine-installer-2023.6.0-rendition.jar

Below is an example of the installation steps on Windows:

  • Select the installation directory:


  • Select the components to install. Unselected items must be installed manually:


  • Completion screen: image

Installed software, except LibreOffice, will be located in the third_party software folder:


Congratulations, the installation is complete!

Alternative ARender Installation Methods

Silent installation

Retrieve the configuration file


Installation configuration

Various options can be added:

Properties Mandatory/Optional Function Possible value
INSTALL_PATH Mandatory Installation Path Absolute path
arender.silent.install Optional Set to true on silent install (-options) True/false Optional Install as service True/false
arender.install.libreoffice Optional Libreoffice setup True/false
arender.install.wkhtmltopdf.portable Optional Install Wkhtmltopdf in portable mode True/false
arender.install.imagemagick.portable Optional Install ImageMagick in portable mode True/false
arender.install.ffmpeg.portables Optional Install FFmpeg in portable mode True/false
arender.install.msoffice.prerequisites (Windows) Optional Install Microsoft Office prerequisites for ARender True/false

As example, for a silent installation, set arender.silent.install=true in

Silent Installation Command

For an installation in a silent mode, an option must be passed as a parameter when launching the installation with the jar.

$> java -jar ARender-rendition-installer.jar -options

Zip Packaging Installation

Third-Party requirements

Install the following additional software:

We recommend using Chocolatey to ease the installations:
We recommend installing these third parties from the official OS package distribution.
Document Type Software Requirement
Office Documents LibreOffice or Microsoft Office LibreOffice 5+ (ensure for RHEL/CentOS 6). MS Office 2013+ recommended.
Images ImageMagick ImageMagick 7+ (under Windows, validate that the binary named convert.exe is existing, if not, link it from magick.exe)
Mails and HTML WKHtmlToPdf wkhtmltopdf 0.12.5+
Videos, Audios and GIFs FFmpeg FFmpeg 2.8.15+

Ensure third-party tools are in the server’s PATH:

Software Variable that should be in the server PATH environment variable
LibreOffice soffice
ImageMagick magick (under Windows, validate that the binary named convert.exe is existing, if not, link it from magick.exe)
WKHtmlToPdf wkhtmltopdf
FFmpeg ffmpeg and ffprobe

OS Configuration (Linux Only)

If the server lacks an X server, install xvfb and run:

$> echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nxvfb-run -a --server-args="-screen 0, 1024x768x24" /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf -q $*' > /usr/bin/
$> chmod a+x /usr/bin/
$> ln -s /usr/bin/ /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf

Installation process

Extract the rendition-engine zip file to the desired directory. It is recommended to choose a directory close to the root of your file system to avoid Windows path length limitations.