Rendition server



The following table lists the configurable parameters of the ARender rendition subchart and their default values.

General values

Parameters Description Default
global.imagePullSecrets Global Docker registry secret names as an array []
rendition.enabled Enable the rendition deployment true

Document service broker

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the document service broker microservice and their default values.

Parameters Description Default Number of the borker pod replica to deploy 1 Broker image name Broker image tag. If empty use AppVersion '' Broker image pull policy Always Specifies whether the role resources to compute the weather should be created true Specifies whether a service account should be created true Name of the service account created. If not set defaulted to ARender UI fullname '' Broker pod security context {} Broker container security context {} Broker service type ClusterIP Enable rendition Ingress false Ingress rendition annotations {} Ingress rendition hosts [] Rendition Tls config [] Broker resources limits and requests {} Broker node seletor {} Environment variables to pass to the broker container as a Map {}

If is not set to true, insure that the service account of the service broker has enough rights to compute the ‘weather’.

By default, given rights are:

- apiGroups: [ "*" ]
  - 'nodes'
  - 'get'
  - 'list'

Document converter

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the document converter microservice and their default values.

Parameters Description Default
rendition.converter.replicaCount Number of the converter pod replica to deploy 1
rendition.converter.autoscale.enabled Enable horitontal autoscaling of converter pods false
rendition.converter.autoscale.maxReplicas Maximum number of the converter pod replica in the cluster 3
rendition.converter.autoscale.cpuLimit Percentage of CPU requested target to scale horizontally 80
rendition.converter.image.repository Document converter image name
rendition.converter.image.tag Document converter image tag. If empty use AppVersion ''
rendition.converter.imagepullPolicy Document converter image pull policy Always
rendition.converter.serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created true Name of the service account created. If not set defaulted to converter fullname ''
rendition.converter.podSecurityContext Converter pods security context {}
rendition.converter.securityContext Converter container security context {}
rendition.converter.service.type Converter service type ClusterIP
rendition.converter.resources Converter resources limits and requests {}
rendition.converter.nodeSelector Converter node selector {}
rendition.converter.environment Environment variables to pass to the converter container as a Map {}


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the service Hazelcast and their default values in the file values.yaml.

Parameters Description Default
hazelcast.service.port Port used by Hazelcast 5701
hazelcast.service.portname Port name of Hazelcast hazelcast

Document text handler

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the document text handler microservice and their default values.

Parameters Description Default
rendition.handler.replicaCount Number of the handler pod replica to deploy 1
rendition.handler.autoscale.enabled Enable horitontal autoscaling of handler pods false
rendition.handler.autoscale.maxReplicas Maximum number of the handler pod replica in the cluster 3
rendition.handler.autoscale.cpuLimit Percentage of CPU requested target to scale horizontally 80
rendition.handler.image.repository Document handler image name
rendition.handler.image.tag Document handler image tag. If empty use AppVersion ''
rendition.handler.imagepullPolicy Document handler image pull policy Always
rendition.handler.serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created true Name of the service account created. If not set defaulted to handler fullname ''
rendition.handler.podSecurityContext handler pods security context {}
rendition.handler.securityContext handler container security context {}
rendition.handler.service.type handler service type ClusterIP
rendition.handler.resources handler resources limits and requests {}
rendition.handler.nodeSelector handler node selector {}
rendition.handler.environment Environment variables to pass to the handler container as a Map {}

Document renderer

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the document renderer microservice and their default values.

Parameters Description Default
rendition.renderer.replicaCount Number of the renderer pod replica to deploy 1
rendition.renderer.autoscale.enabled Enable horitontal autoscaling of renderer pods false
rendition.renderer.autoscale.maxReplicas Maximum number of the renderer pod replica in the cluster 3
rendition.renderer.autoscale.cpuLimit Percentage of CPU requested target to scale horizontally 80
rendition.renderer.image.repository Document renderer image name
rendition.renderer.image.tag Document renderer image tag. If empty use AppVersion ''
rendition.renderer.imagepullPolicy Document renderer image pull policy Always
rendition.renderer.serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created true Name of the service account created. If not set defaulted to renderer fullname ''
rendition.renderer.podSecurityContext renderer pods security context {}
rendition.renderer.securityContext renderer container security context {}
rendition.renderer.service.type renderer service type ClusterIP
rendition.renderer.resources renderer resources limits and requests {}
rendition.renderer.nodeSelector renderer node selector {}
rendition.renderer.environment Environment variables to pass to the renderer container as a Map {}