Behaviour testing
This chapter is meant to check if ARender is working as expected. The tests can be performed on a punctual basis (install, upgrade, etc) as well as continuously to supervise.
Rendition server
The easiest way to validate ARender Rendition installation is to check the health page, see post installation documentation.
Presentation server
To test the presentation application, you just need to use the http://[arenderHost]/ARender/ web page this can be done.
End to end
Depending on needs, different level of test can be set-up. As a matter of fact, end-to-end test can be done to test the application as a whole. Typically, HTTP GET requests can be used to test the opening of a document and its rendition.
Step 1: Using an URL to load a document:
This servlet page will return ARender’s ID of the document.
You can provide to this servlet any usual URL parameter, ARender is able to use every single connector.
Step 2: Loading page test:${id ARender}&pagePosition=1&desc=IM_800_0
This servlet is made to test the generation of a 800px pictures of page one from the document ${id ARender}